Mourning the Life of Macauley Culkin


The media are mourning the life of Macauley Culkin today. The New York Times had a 10 page memorial lift out ready-to-go and everything. Sadly, the former child star of loveable films such as, The Good Son and Home Alone, not to mention member of the band The Pizza Underground is alive and well, sharing this reference to a scene from Weekend at Bernies via the band’s Instagram account. The hoax began on social media and eventually landed on the desk of a Daily Telegraph writer, who prefers to remain anonymous.

‘Such a waste of a life.’ The writer said, as he tossed his piece on Culkin into the trash. ‘So many people grew up with him, it would have been a great 10 page lift out.’

Of recent, Culkin, 34, has been restricted to gossip columns who describe him as an unhealthy anorexic drug addict, on the verge of suicide. A source close to the actor admitted that a tribute to his life would have been a nice change of pace.