Donald Trump Targaryen?

by Christopher Brailey

Donald Trump has set the internet on fire with fan theories that he may actually be a Targaryen with fire breathing dragons, after threatening North Korea with ‘fire and fury’.

‘North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen,’ President Trump said during a briefing.
Fan theories were quick to draw comparisons between the President and rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, Daenerys Targaryen, such as: ambition, ego, impatience, recklessness and generally ignoring their more experienced advisors.

However, there appears to be just as much dissimilarity between the two, namely: empathy, likeability and regular sized hands. Not to mention––breaker of chains and good looks.

In fact, it would appear the President has more in common with Daenerys’ father, ‘The Mad King.’ Could Trump perhaps be a long lost secret uncle we didn’t know about?

Come to think of it, he does resemble a weird/sleazy uncle who says inappropriate things at the dinner table.