Rainbow Strikes Factory: Workers Emerge With Gay Pride


Workers of a local factory have emerged with gay pride after their building was struck by a rainbow yesterday morning. Witnesses report seeing burly men wearing their yellow hard-top hats and overalls as fashion statements, rather than straight forward uniforms. The incredible transformation has left the wives of workers in complete disarray. One of whom, Tracy, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, discovered her husband raving away in the garage, shirtless, with a bunch of mates to the sounds of Dead Or Alive’s – You Spin Me Round.

The rainbow has had both a positive and negative affect on the pub across the street, says Naomi, a local bartender.

‘I’ve largely relied on my high-wasted denim shorts and low-cut tank tops to generate tips. But I didn’t see a dime yesterday. While Jeremy, on the other hand, was Mr. Popular at the bar and pocketed over a hundred bucks.’

There’s no telling if the sudden burst of gay pride is just a passing phase or something with staying power. Either way, a factory makeover is already underway, with brand new curtains appearing on the windows earlier today.