Absurd By The Word

Stories as short as Danny DeVito, some taller.

Month: October, 2014

Making Noise


There’s a place where you can buy a public disturbance capable of unnecessarily loud noises that rattle coffee cups, knock off toupees, blow up skirts, send children deaf, and even wake the dead. Oh, and they only sell Harley Davidsons.

If Mirrors Didn’t Exist, Neither Would Gyms


25 Years Later

I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange.

Y-MEN: Steve


No, not all mutants join the X-MEN. Some of us have desk jobs you know.



My therapist moved his practice online. From now on I have to vent my problems in 140 characters or less.

Nobody Ever Wants to Rest in a Restroom
